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ID   Description   Category   State   Country   Response Date  
813259 2025 Market Place Drive Realignment Project, Minnesota.
...types) 900 L F 8” – 10” PVC Sanitary sewer 500 L F 15” RCP Storm sewer 900 L...
Minnesota 03-11-2025
813253 5th Ave SW and Garden Way Utility Improvements, Washington. includes the replacement of the water main and sewer main along 5th Ave SW and Garden Way, west...
Washington 02-25-2025
813252 Outdoor Maintenance Including Mowing Various Locations ,Ohio.
...Maintenance Including Mowing Various Locations,Muskingum County,Zanesville,Ohio.Muskingum County Water And sewer Outdoor Maintenance, Including Mowing And Trimming Of Grass At...
Ohio 03-05-2025
813241 S.B. Corp Well Site Demo & Preparation, California.
...the demolition of existing foundations and fencing; abandonment of sewer lateral and existing catch basin; removal of existing piping;...
California 02-18-2025
813237 Riverside Lift Station and Force Main,Montana.
...Force Main Project consists of a new duplex submersible sewer lift station, an adjacent 500 square foot mechanical and...
Montana 03-20-2025
813226 11th Avenue – Maple Street - Contract # 25-03 Street Improvement,Wisconsin.
...LateralApproximately 2,250 LF 8”, 15” & 18” PVC Sanitary sewerApproximately 1,085 LF 6” Sanitary LateralApproximately 110 VF Sanitary ManholeApproximately...
Wisconsin 03-04-2025
813225 10th Avenue – Maple Street - Contract # 25-03 Street Improvement,Wisconsin.
...LateralApproximately 2,250 LF 8”, 15” & 18” PVC Sanitary sewerApproximately 1,085 LF 6” Sanitary LateralApproximately 110 VF Sanitary ManholeApproximately...
Wisconsin 03-04-2025
813224 Falls Street – 9 th Avenue to 12th Avenue - Contract # 25-03 Street Improvement,Wisconsin.
...LateralApproximately 2,250 LF 8”, 15” & 18” PVC Sanitary sewerApproximately 1,085 LF 6” Sanitary LateralApproximately 110 VF Sanitary ManholeApproximately...
Wisconsin 03-04-2025
813222 250045 - Sanitary sewer Improvements to serve NRD Addition,Kansas.
... 250045 -  Sanitary sewer Improvements to serve NRD Addition,City of Wichita,Kansas.The City of...
Kansas 02-21-2025
813221 250045 - Water Distribution System to serve NRD Addition,Kansas.
...Public Works & Utilities Department.Separation of Water Mains and sewers. Section 803.4, “Separation of Water Mains and sewers”, delete...
Kansas 02-21-2025
813220 Water Main Improvements 12” Water Main along 167th St. W from Harmony ,Kansas.
...Public Works & Utilities Department.Separation of Water Mains and sewers. Section 803.4, “Separation of Water Mains and sewers”, delete...
Kansas 02-21-2025
813219 K-42 Improvements at I-235 Interchange to serve Keller Addition,Kansas.
...Public Works & Utilities Department.Separation of Water Mains and sewers. Section 803.4, “Separation of Water Mains and sewers”, delete...
Kansas 02-21-2025
813218 3rd and Wabash Stormwater Improvements,Kansas.
...Public Works & Utilities Department.Separation of Water Mains and sewers. Section 803.4, “Separation of Water Mains and sewers”, delete...
Kansas 02-21-2025
813190 Blackstone Wells Water Treatment Plant, DWSRF,Massachusetts.
...and new site piping, site work for drainage, water, sewer, gas, electrical and all site/civil surface finishes.5. Construction of...
Massachusetts 04-03-2025
813189 CDBG ADA Curb Ramp Replacement,California.
...City’s infrastructure consists of roadways, storm drain system, sanitary sewer system, parks, medians, building facilities, streetlights, sidewalks, and traffic...
California 03-05-2025
813188 Lola Avenue sewer And Water Line Replacement,Oregon.
... Lola Avenue sewer And Water Line Replacement,City of Molalla,Oregon.The project consists of:...
Oregon 03-19-2025
813187 General Contractor Services for Cement Hill Water Treatment Plant,California.
...CHWTP access roadand pond berm, installation of drainage and sewer utilities, and installation of a new physical access security...
California 03-25-2025
813185 Schedule 'D' - Nw 32Nd Street: Nw Harrison Blvd To Nw Van Buren Ave - Wastewater Pipe Replacement Burst/Open Cut,Oregon.
...Burst 4-inch Service Lateral LF 33210 Standard 2-Way Sanitary sewer Cleanout, 4-inch EA 1415 10-inch Concrete Pipe Bursting &...
Oregon 03-11-2025
813184 Schedule 'C' - Nw 34Th St: Nw Tyler Ave To Nw Harrison Blvd - Wastewater Pipe Replacement Burst/Open Cut,Oregon.
...Burst 4-inch Service Lateral LF 26810 Standard 2-Way Sanitary sewer Cleanout, 4-inch EA 1114 8-inch Conc. Pipe Bursting &...
Oregon 03-11-2025
813183 Schedule 'B' - 26Th Street: Between Nw Taylor Ave & Nw Coolidge - Wastewater Pipe Replacement Burst/Open Cut,Oregon.
...Burst 4-inch Service Lateral LF 73910 Standard 2-Way Sanitary sewer Cleanout, 4-inch EA 3411 Sanitary sewer Cleanout, 8-inch EA...
Oregon 03-11-2025