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Membership Package Options Included
More Exposure
Listing in the industry's largest catalog of water and wastewater utility vendors and contractors. Thousands of vendors and contractors have signed up with H2bid - don't be left behind!
Electronic Bidding
Submit electronic bid responses online (where online bidding is managed by H2bid).
Largest Bid Database
Access to the largest database of water and wastewater utility contract opportunities (covers all 50 United States).
Research Bid Tabulations and Closed Bids
Do historical research with your access to bid tabulations and closed bids dating back to 2017.
Easy Search
Search water and wastewater utility bids by category, geography, and keyword.
Daily Alerts
Daily email alerts of new bid opportunities.

1-Year Plan

$2,995 / 12 Months

6-Month Plan

$1,570 / 6 Months

Monthly Plan

$399 / Month


$199 - Free for 7 days

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